Many people ask us exactly what we do at the farm, so I decided to take a few minutes to let you know more about what we are currently up to. This is nearing the end of growing season, but it is still a couple months from being finished. At this point we have all kinds of squash, including winter squash, radishes, greens, peppers, okra, eggplant, and are starting to get a few tomatoes again. We also still have some onions and garlic. Tomatoes don't like heat, so they quit producing while it was so hot. They love this cooler weather and will likely produce now until the first freeze.
The meal co-op is gearing up - it's one action packed night for you as you come pack 15 meals for your family. The meals serve 4-6 and are designed to take home, put in your freezer, and pull out as needed to feed your family or friends. They make great meals for church dinners, or to give to someone who is ill as well. We had our first session last week and the next one is September 12. We do the shopping and prepping. You pay for ingredients up front, and then come on the designated day and make your meals. They are delicious - of course my family hated to have to be guinea pigs and taste test everything - NOT! We are also starting into the busy craft show season. September through the second week of December will find us most weekends away at a craft show. We will continue to have vegetables, jellies, and lotions at the Enid Farmer's Market through the season there. Hopefully I will be able to update you a couple times a week with fun happenings at the farm. Go to the contact us page and send in a request if you want to know more about what we do and I'll do my best to give more information. |
Kristal Freed - Author
I'm the third generation to have lived and worked on our home place. My children make generation 4. I enjoy gardening, making soap, organizing, and working on special projects. My children are my pride and joy and my husband and I spend many hours at their events. ArchivesCategories |
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